Wednesday, July 25, 2012

because 140 characters won't work

No way this could fit on FB or twitter.

There are days that I think - "wow... my life could have been a movie!" Or, "this story is great!"

And then there is today.

I'm gonna back up quickly - the last 11 years have been quite a trip.

From jungles in Belize, villages in Ecuador, the inner city in Maracaibo,Venezuela, and Kingston Jamaica, the beach in Phuket and the mountains in Chang Mai, Thaland....

From a year in Europe including trips to Paris, Berlin, and London... and a vacation that was made up of a night hiking waterfalls in Austria, several days on the beach in Italy and driving through the Swiss Alps.

From 7 months living on a bus - traveling the US. It had ups and downs - but still one of those things. Florida to NY - Georgia to California - Texas to Michigan... and a week in the Dominican Republic.

From meeting the man of my dreams - getting engaged the second time we saw each other and being married less than 5 months from when we first met.

From working with Congressmen, Statesmen, meeting Governors and Presidential candidates and serving on the First Lady of Virginia's "Flite Team" - and even having dinner in the Governor's personal home - and a few weeks later lunch in the Governor's mansion.

From dear friends all over the US that are some of the largest blessings in my life.

From two beautiful children that are - in my humble opinion - the smartest, fastest, most amazing children God ever created..... most of the time ;)

... To today.

Today - this movie is a comedy I am sure.

Today has included not one but two emergency baths due to poop. Yep. I said it. Poop. One had it down the legs to somehow getting in the toes.... the other had poop in the hair. Not sure how that happened exactly.

Today I have put clean dishes in the fridge instead of the cabinet, I have cleaned scrambled eggs out of my hair, and found a lost paci in my own shirt,

Today I have put a load of dirty (poopy) laundry into the bathtub that was waiting for a kid to get in - instead of the washing machine.

Today I have found 6 different cups full of water, where I fixed it for myself, set it down, forgot about it and apparently went to get another cup of water.

Today I diffused a complete 2 year old meltdown with a cup of juice and a banana.

Today, my major celebration came when I realized that two kids were sleeping at the same time and I could take a shower. I refuse to admit how long it has been since I was clean.

Yet - - today I got to sit and draw cars, cheeseburgers, stars and circles on a magna doodle and laugh with an energetic 2 year old.

And - Today I was smiled at by a beautiful girl right after she finished eating.

Today has been a day for the books. A day that I literally could NOT wait for naptime....