Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 in a nutshell

Well, I missed the opportunity this year for a traditional Thanksgiving post, and a traditional Christmas post. However, I am going to try to make it a not too cheesy, not too sentimental, not too dorky New Year's Eve Post.

I will be honest - this year was blury. It seems to have passed so quickly. ::smiling in a 'I know this is dorky' manner:: "It just seems like yesterday Ronnie and I were on the couch celebrating our first New Year's together!"


anyway - it was full of great stuff. So, here ya go, things I wanna hang on to from 2008.

10. Learning to have a giving heart.

9. Loss is hard. Death hurts. But God is faithful. (Turns out she did NOT have the disease that we thought she had.... I never updated that - sorry). Being miles away makes for an interesting response in me to the pain of my friends and family.

8. Men shop easier than Women

7. Trips with Ronnie - Cabin, the Anniversary Cruise, Skyline Drive, the Lake, the beach, New York, Philly and Baltimore.

6. Jonathan came home! And got married!

5. Some times in life get tough. But God provides peace.

4. Someone thought I was a man. (Is it wierd that this was one of the more "impacting" things of 2008 for me??? As an update - I gave those clothes to goodwill... Just couldn't bring myself to wear them any more!!

3. I started teaching a college course... Who knew?? and Ronnie started a new job.

2. I got back in touch with some old friends - - and got some pics too.

1. I started to link to all the wierd things that have happened in the last year - but it was taking too long... and a lot of them are intertwined with other major events already linked. Just read through the blog :) I also started to link to the political stuff that was really cool - but honestly, I am running out of "linking" time - It takes too long... again... just read the blog (particularly the last couple months... since I only blogged 2-4 times a month, its not that hard to do.

so... instead... my number 1 is... We still didn't move - but are finding ways to make it fun anyway.

Anyway - Here's to a New Year. May 2009 bring more excitement, more love, more peace, and more answers to everyone.


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