Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things to come

Some of you may already be involved in this - but for those who aren't and those who care.... THIS is something we are going to do this summer....

Ventanas, Ecuador. You can search the internet and you will find very little information on this portion of the country that is named for the fact that it crosses the equator. Ventanas is located in the Los Rios province, due to the large rivers that flow through. In early 2008, heavy rains hit this area of the country destroying many homes and farm lands. Thousands of people were displaced from their homes and many lost their lives.

Due to this heavy flooding and loss of homes, Ecuador will allow us to come and help rebuild a portion of the community in Ventanas.

It is to this challenge, and to the goal of helping to build the local church in Ecuador that Ronnie and I feel we are called. As believers, God has called us to reach out to the hurting, the widows and orphans, and the prisoners. This summer, God has called us to take his message of Hope to the hopeless people in Ventanas, Ecuador. We are a part of a team of people from several different states that will be traveling in late July to do work in some of the area villages. Some of these villages have NEVER heard the gospel of Jesus Christ before.

We are writing together to ask for two things from you.

First, we are asking for your prayers. We believe that with a trip like this, nothing will happen without the prayers of God’s people pleading before the throne that hearts will be changed, lives will be transformed, and our work will not be in vain.

Second, we are asking for financial support. The Bible makes it clear that believers are called to go into the world to preach the gospel, to baptize believers, and to make disciples. You may not be able to go at this time, However, you can still be a part of our team by helping make it possible for us to go. Your ministry to the hurting people of Ecuador will be just as fruitful as our ministry will be once we get there. The people need Jesus, Ronnie and I feel called to take them the Hope of Jesus Christ. We need prayers and finances in order to do this. So, I need you, to prayerfully consider supporting our mission. Thank you in advance for your help!

If you are interested in supporting this ministry in Ventanas, Ecuador,(this is a tax deductible gift – simply attach a post it note to the check with our name on it) please either send your gift by check payable to:

E3 Partners
April Allen EC09H
600 Development Drive Suite 120
Plano, Tx 75074

Or you may donate online:
Go to www.e3partners.org
Click on “donate.” Fill in the blanks. Click “Give to a Campaigner.” Type in either Julia Mayhew, or Ronnie Mayhew, and enter the trip code EC09H.


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