Sunday, April 20, 2008


So, someone gave a link in the comments to my last blog to the full story of the military funeral that I saw... Turns out that the people I had asked about the funeral were mis-informed. It was not the funeral of the Roanoke soldier, however it was a military funeral, of a vet from the Korean war. They apparantly have recently found some soldier bodies from that war, and this soldier from my city was identified.

My emotions are not diminshed by this not being what I originally was told. Can you imagine the closure that a family must feel to finally know what happened to their loved one? A wife? A sister? A brother? Now, for the first time in 50 years they know the end of the story. Both of my grandfathers fought in Korea. One in the Air Force, and one in the Army... I cannot imagine what the family of this soldier must feel today. relief? saddness remembered? regret? closure?

Anyway - having said all of that, I am sure the family of the Roanoke soldier still needs your prayers during this time.... and I know my family appreciates your prayers for my brother as he finishes his time over seas. He wants to finish this race strong, and we want him to, but even more than that, we want to see his smiling face and get that "little" brother hug I have needed for the last 7 months!

On to other topics. This is a birthday week for me... WHOA! I will be 29. (for the first time) I always thought I would feel older when I got to 29, but surprisingly I still feel about 21. I have decided though, that I might turn 29 several times before the next dreaded number. Don't get me wrong, I would rather have birthday's than the alternative right now - but maybe I will just stay 29 until my husband catches up with me... I married a youngster, he is only 26. So, I think I will stay 29 for about 3 years... or maybe longer.

Well, it's dinner time. re-run food here we come!

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

Your birthday is coming...
And you are coming to Alabama....

I can hardly wait to see you and get a good hug.

I Love you and miss you soooooooooooo much!